Welcome to the Competent Person Register

Competent Person Schemes (CPS) were introduced by the UK Government to allow individuals and enterprises to self-certify that their work complies with the Building Regulations as an alternative to submitting a building notice or using an approved inspector.

A Competent Person must be registered with a scheme that has been approved by MHCLG (Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government). Schemes authorised by the MHCLG are listed on its website at http://www.communities.gov.uk

To understand why you should use a Competent Person, Download the consumer booklet.

This website has been developed by a collaboration of all of the approved scheme providers to provide the consumer with the ability to search for a Competent Person registered with one of the schemes.

Examples of work that needs to be undertaken by a Competent Person

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Search Tips

If you are having trouble finding a particular business, or finding businesses in a particular location, please bear in mind the following points:

  • To make searching easier, you only need enter the first few letters of the business name or location. You must enter at least 2 characters for the search to work.
  • Text can be entered in upper or lower case as the search is not case sensitive.
  • The search works on matching text strings, so if the business you are searching for cannot be found, try entering only a single word or the first few letters in the business name.
  • Avoid using terms such as Ltd or Limited, as abbreviations may not be consistent with those used in our database.
  • If the search returns a large number of businesses try narrowing your search by entering other options such as location or scope.
  • If the business name you are searching for includes the character "&", then please use "and" instead. (Use "A and B Electrical" instead of "A & B Electrical")

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